[] PT. Bhumi Phala Perkasa


Our Professionalism is Your Benefit

Balikpapan based PT. Bhumi Phala Perkasa, originally founded in 1993, has proven itself being capable of handling big projects and building an exceptionally excellent track record, which has made it possible to grow from a small company to a large enterprise company.


Encouraged by the rapid development of Balikpapan and East Kalimantan, with all its energy industries and the full (technical) support by out principals (all recognized American, Europian, and Australian manufacturers), PT. Bhumi Phala Perkasa decided in 2006 to invest in brand new modern workshop and office. 

The new workshop and office, has given PT. Bhumi Phala Perkasa the opportunity to increase the capacity for all its divisions supporting energy industries. And as of today we have eight main divisions and a wide range of products. Positioning our company as environmentally friendly while operating in the energy industries.

The divisions exist of the Cooling System Division (Fabrication, Re-engineering, Repair and refurbishment for radiators, lube oil coolers, gas coolers and heat exchangers), the Engine Division (Re-engineering, Repair, Overhaul and refurbishment of any type of engine), the Filtration Division (Advanced Filtration and Separation Applications), the Pump and Valve Division (Repair, Overhaul and refurbishment of any type of pump/valve), the Crane Division (Re-engineering, Maintenance, Inspection, Repair and Replacement for any type of crane), the Machinery Division (Fabrication, Re-engineering, Repair and refurbishment) and the two internal supporting divisions, Fabrication & Service).

The following pages will give you clear view of PT. Bhumi Phala Perkasa capabilities and experience’s that allow us to participate in your future projects.