[] PT. Bhumi Phala Perkasa


The Engine Division specializes in full overhauls, repairs and maintenance of OEM engines and generators (CAT, Perkins, Komatsu, Volvo, Iveco, Cummins, Mercedes, Detroit, Deutz, Mitsubishi, Yanmar, Waukesha and all Denyo generator types).

From mines to heavy equipment, offices to workshops, offshore platforms to refineries, all over Indonesia the Engine Division is living up to its reputation.Personnel, trained in technical sales, engineering, fabrication, production and support are ready to service your engine needs. PT. Bhumi Phala Perkasa customers can depend on us for single-source convenience, and single-source accountability. While our experts design and construct to your specifications, we provide full service design, assembly, construction, testing, installation and operating support.

Besides providing access to the best products and services, including spare parts; refurbished units, repairs and overhauling as well as maintenance, following services are offered too;

· Coatings

· Seal conversion

· Bearings upgrades

· Revision/maintenance

· Repair/overhauls

· Overall Responsibility for assembly and commisioning

· Service and retrofit

· Assembly and on-site service

· Replacement parts

· Rental of generator sets (8KVa up to 750KVa)

Our regular customers include; Total E&P Indonesie , Chevron Indonesia Company, Pertamina, PT KPSI, PT Coates Services, PT KEL, PT Emeco, PT BUMA and PT Badak LNG.

PT. Bhumi Phala Perkasa understands engines!